85 years female old patient came to opd with the chief complaint of weakness and leg pain since 25 days. 
History of present illness
 8 days back she admitted in hospital with right leg pain .One fine day during night she fell down from bed so she developed pain in right leg. then she visited hospital 

History of past illness
she had surgery in past 4 years 
No history of HTN 
No epilepsy 
No asthma 

Personal history 

Sleep adequate
 Apetite normal
 Bowel and bladder movements regular Micturition normal

 General examination

 Patient is conscious coherent coperative Pallor is present
 She had a transfusion of blood. 
No cyanosis 
No clubbing 
No lymphadenopathy
 No pedal edema 

Temperture afebrile
 Pulse rate 72/min. 
Bp 110/80
 Spo2 98% 

Systemic examination
 No murmurs 
No thrills 

Respiratory system
 No dyspnea
 No wheeze 
Postion of trachea central 
  Cns Normal Speech Reflex normal

 Provision diagnosis iron deficiency anemiaw


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